Agfa Online Photography Course

    Someone from the velocityreviews forum was looking for the Agfa Online Photography course because the links to the online photography course was broken.

    Paul Coen responded that:
    "The site was pulled down when Agfa Photo imploded. The Internet Archive
    has it, though. Either go to and put the url in
    the "wayback machine" field (the newest version of page is blank, go to
    one of the older ones), or go right to:

    It's slow, but it's all there. Once you hit the archive version, you can
    click on the other links on the pages to get the archive versions of
    those as well.

    Paul Coen "

    - source

    I'm not sure what he meant about Agfa having imploded.

    I checked out the online photography school link and found it running. Unfortunately the site where the old Agfa online photography school is residing is quite slow.

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